Thursday, August 22, 2013

Coffee Date Dress

Hello!  I recently came across a sew-along hosted by Project Sewn for the Coffee Date Dress by the Selfish Seamstress that's offered as a free pattern on the BurdaStyle website.  I've been wanting to try it for awhile, so I went for it. 
It was only my third time to sew up something for myself as I mostly sew for my daughter.  I'm not gonna lie, the idea of working with darts and an invisible zipper scared me, and I almost gave up before I began.  My sweet husband reminded me that I can sew anything, so I decided to keep going (It wasn't as sappy as that just sounded in real life).  I found a really in-depth sew-along from Bobbins of Basil that was just fabulous, and I really relied on her to hold my hand through it all since 99% of the patterns I sew are detailed and include lots of photographs. 
I decided to sew the pattern as is since it was my first go at it.  I used a green with navy damask print fabric I bought from JoAnn on sale last week.  I didn't want to ruin any of my nicer fabric should I have failed. 
The most difficult part for me were the darts.  I jumped ahead without paying attention to the fact that you don't actually cut the dart lines on the pattern.  Ooops.  Therefore I didn't really get the chance to play around with dart placement because I sort of had to sew that line up as is.  You live, you learn. 
But here's my finished product!  Yes, I look awkward in photographs, so forgive me :P  I never know what to do with my hands, lol! 
I'd like to thank my husband and 6-year old son for their exceptional photography skills ;) 
I really do love this dress.  It turned out even better than I thought it might.  I may have to give it another go with a solid top, print on bottom, and a fabric sash.  I think that would be cute, right? 

I'm ready for my coffee date now!

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  1. I love the print you used!!!!! I am now re-thinking my need to take the ruffle off.

    And it fits to well done!!!!

    1. Thank you!!! The ruffle is my favorite part :) Go for it, ha!

  2. love it!!! I really like the print you chose...I also am going to wear mine with a belt... I actually sewed it to the dress... Heading to bed now, but going to post mine in the morning just in time to link up ;o)

    1. Thanks Emily! Can't wait to see yours! I feel the need to wear a belt with just about everything I own :)

  3. I love your dress (saw the traffic to my blog and wanted to check it out)!

    1. Ha! Glad I was sending some traffic your way ;) Your sew-along really is fabulous. Definitely would not have had the same results without your posts :)

  4. Looks great and I love the belt! I downloaded this pattern ages ago... I really should get onto making it this year!


Thanks for taking a moment to let me know I'm not just writing to myself in blog land :)